27th Day :: Engineering 1st year syllabus
I have been a student of B.Tech.CS branch. There
I feel that syllabus of 1st
year needs a change. I couldn’t understand the use of the subjects like Electrical,Physics,Chemistry & Mechanical for a CS student & vice-versa. Infact this
is the problem which causes failure of many students or Y.B. If the
student abstain from Y.B. in 1st
year even then they faces this problem as a burden in next years as back paper of that subject which has no
importance for his branch.
The 2nd problem a 1st year student
faces is a new environment & a new educational system. So we should give
less burden in 1st year .
The 3rd problem is internal exam. With 50% of the
total marks in internal exam, student becomes more dependable on teacher which results in bribe to the teacher
& using unfair means by student to make percentage.
As a solution of these problems I recommend these advices :-
Subjects should be lesser & easier in 1st
Subjects should be related to his branch. For
this unnecessary subjects should be removed & some chapters of 2nd
year should be included.
An inspirational subject may also be added who
guides student in handling exam pressure & learning subjects in a better
way etc.
The percentage of internal marks should be
decreased from 50% to 25%.
Passing in internal exam should not be must
instead of it agregate percentage in internal & external exam should be
used for passing cut-off.
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