
Showing posts from November, 2012

21st day ::- Untouchability :: The Myth & the Fact

Untouchability आज की एक बड़ी बुराई है। गाँधी जी ने इसे दूर करने का सर्वप्रथम प्रयास किया था, लेकिन अफ़सोस कि इतने सालों बाद भी ये समस्या दूर नहीं हो सकी है। untouchability में विश्वास रखने वालों के generally दो ही तर्क होते हैं - 1. गन्दगी रखने वाले लोगों से बचना                           2. माँसाहार करने वालों से बचना  पहले तर्क के अनुसार हम  sc ,st  के लोगों से दूरी बनाते हैं। मगर अगर गन्दगी ही मुख्य वजह है तो क्या हम शुद्धता से रहने वाले और पढ़े-लिखे sc ,st  के लोगों को अपनी थाली में खिलाने को तैयार हो जाते हैं या  फिर अशुद्धता से रहने वाले उच्च जाति  के लोगों को अपनी थाली में खिलाने से मना कर देते हैं ? दूसरे तर्क के अनुसार  हम मुसलमानों से दूरी बनाते हैं। यहाँ भी वही सवाल उठता है कि अगर माँसाहार ही मुसलमानों से दूरी बनाने की मुख्य वजह है तो हम क्षत्रियों को अपनी थाली में क्यों खिलाते हैं,जो कि वैदिक काल से ही माँसाहारी हैं। और क्षत्रिय ही क्यों आज तो लगभग हर जाति में हमे...

20th Day :: Solar roofs

we should use Solar-roofs. I don't think it has any technical or other problems. Practically what problem it has i don't know otherwise it is a good alternative of traditional energy sources. perhaps cost is higher, but in case of solar-roofs it can save money of concrete roof. then what's the problem? After 10 hours of charging in day, it can deliver atleast 5-6 hours of sufficient use of electricity. It's cost may be lower also if government promotes it by subsidising it with noticing that it is a most environ-friendly & can save the land & water uses especially for water-electricity + air-pollution made by Heat-electricity based on coal. Also it can be used at a large scale in dessert areas like Rajasthan,where a lot of land is useless. If there we establish a big solar-plant,then we can get double benefit- 1st is a lot of electricity & 2nd is shedding if used over roads.

19th Day :: The patent & selling of our product

We should patent our Ayurvedic & other knowledges, medicinal plants etc. As we have seen in last decade that we got right on Neem,Termeric & tulsi etc after fighting by some indians against patent of these plants & their medicinal use by foreigners. otherwise we could bounded to purchase the products from them which are our own. so we have to search for our medicinal plants & knowledge.then we should try to patent it.  after it we have only to pack it in a modern way. in this way we can sell our really good things which we have in a packing which world likes. we will certainly be successful because we shall give really good things in a lower cast while foreigners are selling relatively bad things only in an attractive pack & with the help of advertisement. as a reply to them we have all to say to men only "Jaago Grahak Jaago".   For packing & selling our products we can learn something from a mom. A mom knows well what her child really need & give...

18th Day :: Our system

Anyone can't say our police & politicians as corrupt & lazy, especially after giving an eye at Dowd's brother attack matter where accused were caught in only few hours.even khufia agencies helped in finding the accused. while even after a minister's killing, our police & whole system remain unable to find the accused in many years.  So the difference is only that what is the priority of our police,politicians & system, nothing else.

17th Day :: The Golden Compass

I have described before in my previous blog about 'the Confusion'. today i'm going to tell you some other thing related to this condition. Infact i feel that confusion is the condition when we give exam of our capacity, power of thinking, ability of choosing right things & moral values like honesty, courage, responcibility and care for other's problems etc. Also it is the point where a minute difference in choosing the right things causes to success or failure in future. I feel many people in the world are wrong, only because they don't know the right ways or benefits of right ways & have chosen the wrong ways to solve their problems like earning money or taking revenge etc. then the big question is what should we do when we are confused and don't know what is right or wrong? I think we should choose the right way by using all our knowledge and senses we have & what we feel is right by our heart at that time, not on the basis of what others say...

16th Day :: Bharatnet

I have heared earlier that government is planning to control internet. In general & personally i don't think it right with seeing gov. records  related to other ferms under gov. But i strongly feel a need of free organization for  internet same as 'TRAI'  for mobiles which can rule & regulate what is harmful and objectionable on internet & also have power to ban objectionable content.  Many people are fearing that in this way gov. may misuse  it by using it to advertise it's party etc. but i don't think that it is going to happen. but still keeping in mind people's worries i suggest to give an option  to people to choose from present & new internet lines. My some suggestion are as bellow :-  1 :-    sites which can be used by terrorists or have history of such action + sites having adult content with abusive language, unnatural sex, fo rceful sex, sex with girls less than 18 years, sexual stories & e-books bas...

15th day :: IIT entrance exam & teacher

आजकल IITies के Entrance Exams के  एकीकरण की बात चल रही है . यह एक स्वागत योग्य कदम है , लेकिन कुछ चिन्ताएं भी हैं . अगर common test का स्वरुप ऐसा बनता है जिससे सभी IITies को उनके syllabus के अनुसार क्षमतावान students को चुनने में समस्या न हो , तो common test में  मुझे कोई बुराई नहीं दिखाई देती . हाँ इस तरह IITies की  present ranking में बदलाव का डर उन्हें ज़रूर लगेगा और साथ ही individual test से होने वाली income पर भी असर होगा .  मगर इस proposal का एक negative side भी है और वह है इस exam में 12th exam के  percentage को waightage देना . क्योंकि अलग-अलग Boards के अलग-अलग syllabus है और उनका marking system भी different है। इसलिए percentage देखकर किसी स्टुडेंट की सही क्षमता का आकलन करना गलत होगा। कुछ लोग इसके लिए यह तर्क देने में लगे हैं की इससे Board exams का महत्व बढेगा और student इण्टर की पढ़ाई पर ज्यादा ध्यान देगा। लेकिन मुझे ऐसे में नक़ल माफियाओं का ही  महत्व बढ़ता दिखाई देता है और  पैसे लेकर नंबर बढ़ाने से शुरू यह खेल...